Intellectual Property Symposium J A Kemp and Alligator Bioscience AB
On 15 September 2015 J A Kemp and Alligator Bioscience AB co-hosted an Intellectual Property Symposium in Lund, Sweden. J A Kemp partners Graham Lewis and Ben Mooneapillay spoke at the event, which explored a range of patent and trademark matters of interest to researchers, SMEs and potential investors. In sessions entitled What, when and why to file a patent application ' and Trade marks and regulatory matters for pharmaceuticals ' Graham and Ben answered questions on a number of topics, such as How much data do you need to file a patent application? ' and Why register more than one trade mark for a pharmaceutical product? '.
The symposium was attended by over 35 delegates. Thanks to all who attended, especially our co-hosts Alligator Bioscience AB.