London Cleantech Cluster Special Interest Group on 1 October 2013 on IP: What investors are looking for and avoiding the many pitfalls
J A Kemp hosted the London Cleantech Cluster Special Interest Group on IP: What investors are looking for and avoiding the many pitfalls on 1 October 2013. This event was open to all cleantech businesses and was a free event.
We assessed the importance of IP protection from the viewpoint of investors and look at some specific case studies involving clean technologies and analyse the strategies that were followed to protect the commercial value embedded in the technology. Investors have a certain way of looking at IP and invariably require it to be protected in the way they know best. Colin McCall from Taylor Wessing LLP covered legal agreements.
Attendees had the opportunity to ask specific questions about their own IP situation, as well as learn about the fundamental concepts involved in protecting their intellectual property in the clean technology context.