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To Amend or not to Amend Description Amendments at the EPO

— Speaker: Joe Simon-Brown

Compared to many patent offices, the European Patent Office (EPO) imposes a high burden on patentees to ensure the description remains fully consistent with the granted claims and to satisfy various other formal requirements that could cast the scope of the claims in doubt. While description amendments may seem of little import, getting things wrong can have fatal consequences for a patent application.

In this webinar we discuss why description amendments are important when prosecuting before the EPO; what requirements the EPO impose, including those included in a recent updates to the Guidelines for Examination that is followed by EPO examiners; and practical suggestions for how to ensure those requirements are met in way that is most beneficial for the patentee.

This webinar is one of a series of webinars produced by J A Kemp's Engineering and IT group. Other topics covered in the series include: