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EPO Oppositions

— Speakers: Marc Wilkinson, Jimmy Nicholls

An EPO opposition provides a cost-effective route to attack a European patent in a single action following grant. Even though the new Unified Patent Court could allow opponents to challenge a European patent throughout its lifetime, an EPO opposition will remain the only means to challenge the patent with effect in all EPC contracting states. This webinar draws on the significant expertise of J A Kemp's attorneys, both in attacking patents in opposition at the EPO, as well as in defending cases which have been opposed. We will review opposition practice, including strategies for attacking and defending cases. We will also consider how best to position a case in prosecution, and to formulate an amendment strategy. We will also consider oral proceedings, and how videoconferencing has recently impacted on the conduct of hearings.

Topics include:

  • Grounds of opposition
  • Drafting an opposition statement
  • Good defence starts in prosecution
  • Claim amendments - auxiliary requests in opposition
  • Strategies to maintain flexibility on appeal
  • Supporting data – what can usefully be filed and when
  • Oral proceedings, including hearings via videoconference