Software and IT
Information technology has been one of the most dynamic fields of industry for many decades as software takes increasingly important roles in all areas of technology. Patent offices around the world have struggled to keep pace with developments and the growing application of software in other fields. In many jurisdictions, especially the US and Europe, approaches to patentability of software implemented inventions have undergone significant shifts liberalising and restricting what can be protected.
Our attorneys have long been at the forefront of pushing the boundaries for protecting applications of computer software and we can help you to navigate the specific requirements of individual countries. We handle many patent applications for core concepts in and applications of artificial intelligence, especially machine learning. Informatics, especially bio-informatics, and digital therapeutics cases are familiar to our software specialists who can draw on medical and biotech specialists in our other teams where specialist knowledge is required. We also handle core computer science fields - such as communications, image and audio processing, virtual machines, cryptography, and storage – and computer implement methods in fields ranging from business applications and computer games to industrial control.